Author: Jay Arrera
Photographing Art – On the Cheap
Knowing how to photograph art is a necessary skill for artists today. With many online art communities, you need to know how to create digital images in order to share your work. Most competitions now require digital images of your portfolio or your proposal. Learning how to photograph your work can be intimidating because photography…
Sketchbook – 29-MAR-2010
Another Bargue study. Practice, practice, practice… And a perspective study. A few paint cans stacked around the studio. Share
Portrait Sculpture – Charles
My most recent portrait sculpture. “Charles”Clay6″x11″x8″Share
Portrait Sculpture – Adrian
A recent portrait sculpture. I really enjoyed working on this one. “Adrian”Clay13″x14″x9″Share
Sketchbook – 23-MAR-2010
More of the unglamorous part of being an artist: practicing the basics. Just set up some basic objects trying to draw them as accurately as possible. Share
Figure Drawing – 06-MAR-2010
I read from someone recently that you should treat your figure studies sessions as a day in the lab — experiment. And so, today I tried gouache. It is a medium that I have admired being used by other artists, so I thought it would be a good experiment. Some of my results from today…
Contrapposto is an Italian term which describes the pose of a figure where the weight is one one foot. It is probably the most common pose for sculptures because it breaks up the symmetry of a balanced pose and immediately creates complex counter-curves as the weight transfers across the shoulders and hips. It is so…
Plein and Simple
On a recent post, I made reference to doing ‘plein air’ painting. Some readers thought it was a typo, others wanted to know if the antonym would be ‘fancy air’ painting. Art, like most human endeavors, has its own jargon. Much of it based in French, Italian, or Latin. Like most professionals, I sometimes forget…
Tutorial: Hollowing a clay model for firing
I thought some people would be interested in seeing how I prepare a clay model for firing. Here are two sculptures that I recently completed. Above is a life-size half-torso. It’s 25″ tall, made of clay, which means that it weighed a lot when completed. I didn’t put it on a scale, but it probably…