Category: Flowers

  • Rose and Lemon

    Rose and Lemon

    This painting was a lot of fun.  I’ve been focusing on value and really enjoy the strong contrast between the rose and the background.  And of course, I had to pull myself away from obsessing on the drapery so I can get this completed in the time available. Available for purchase here.

  • Camellia in the Window

    Occasionally you take a look at something and you see something that gives you pause.  It might be a sunset, or the particularly way that the light is casting through a window. Perhaps it is the expression on someone’s face.  This was one of those moments.  I knew exactly as soon as I set up…

  • Camellia

    It’s peculiar how much I enjoy painting still life in general and flowers in particular after years of figurative work.  There are parts that are of course foreign, but there are far more similarities to how I approach image-making than differences.  I’m still looking a composition, color, tone, light and shadow and form.  Even as…

  • Persimmon

    It’s been over 20 years since I have painted in oils.  However, I have dusted off my brushes and here I go again. Here is a painting I did today of a persimmon.    Focusing on the basics with a very limited palette: Cadmium Yellow Light, Alizeran Crimson, Cerulean Blue, and Titanium White.  Very simple…